Since I last updated this series, I’ve done a lot of work to
the writing shed. Plus, I began using a phrase I’m sure I’ll use often in the
future: “Babe, I’m going to the shed.”
I neglected to install pressure blocking on my joists when I
was framing up the floor. I clean forgot it. To compensate for this, then, I
added a layer of 3/8” underlayment, glued and stapled down. Now the floor doesn’t
sag. Of course, it rained soon after I did this, permanently raising the edges
of each sheet, so now I’ve got to get in there with a belt sander and some
40-grit and relieve the seams a bit. It wouldn’t do to have a crummy floor. I
meant to seal the whole deck with some oil base floor paint, but I was tied up
that morning, and by the time I was ready to roll, it was raining.
On to the next bit, then. I’ll fix the floor after the roof
is on.
Since I had a nice flat surface to work on, the next step was
building the trusses. This required a flurry of Googling in order to remember
how to use my Swanson Speed Square. Basically, it’s an aluminum right triangle
with cheats on it so carpenters don’t need to know trigonometric math by heart.
I figured my 4/12 pitch (4 inches of rise for every foot of run), drew the
angles, and cut my top chords. After that, with my brother’s help, I laid out
each one precisely the same (I traced the first one on the deck and then lined
up all the others on those lines, temporarily screwing each truss to the deck
for nailing). OSB gussets were glued and nailed on with ring shank nails. The
bottom chords, sections of 2x6, were cut, glued in and nailed the next day.
I suppose I should mention the power feed. The back yard is
currently in a state of recovery because I have been digging the crap out of it
lately. I had to remove an old piece of conduit that had been sticking up out
of the ground (it wasn’t live) that failed to launch. Shed plans changed over
the course of many years; what can I say. After that, I had to relocate two
sprinkler heads. While my yard was littered with trenches and big clumps of
grassy dirt, I went ahead and dug another trench for the shed’s power supply. I
used schedule 80 conduit and a 25’ length of 12-2 W/G outdoor wire—the wire
could probably have been buried directly, but I wanted to have zero problems.
This, on a 20 amp breaker, will provide plenty of power with very little
voltage drop due to resistance. I could have used smaller gauge wire, but I’d
rather be on the safe side. I need enough power to be able to run the little
air conditioner my neighbor gave me, plus a little heater (alternately, of
The walls went up pretty quickly. I laid them out on 24”
centers, which is plenty for a shed. Most sheds are framed up like this, only
they use 2x3s instead of the 2x4s I used, so it’ll be plenty strong. The
easiest way to build a wall is to precut your top and bottom plates and then
layout your stud locations with both of them sandwiched together. When you’re
ready to nail everything together, you’ll have perfectly plumb and square studs.
Once the frame of the wall was nailed together, I laid out the sheathing on it before
standing it up. I nailed my OSB sheathing along the top edge of the wall,
allowing it to drape down. I then could rack the wall for plumb if needed, then
nail off the sheathing after the wall was braced.
The second wall was nearly a tragedy, because the wind came
up a bit, and I foolishly decided to stand the wall up in these gusts. April
helped me out by smooshing herself between the wall and the fence until I had
everything nailed off. The corner where the two walls meet is critical; it’s
gotta be plumb in both directions, so it was a bit of a faff until the bottom
plate was nailed down, the corner nailed off, and the free end braced. The
third wall, you’ll notice, has been framed out for a large set of double doors.
This will be the entrance to the shed. I’ve left its free end incomplete for
now, because I’m waiting on a sliding glass door for the office section. Until
that’s on site, I don’t want to build anything, just in case the rough opening
isn’t quite as advertised. It would suck to have to modify a wall I only just
So the next step is to finish the walls. Once those are
done, my brother and I can roll the trusses and finish the roof. That’ll be
next month. Thanks for tuning in here. It’s pretty exciting!