Take a walk in the woods every once in a while. Feel the
sunlight filtered through towering ponderosas, two hundred feet tall or more.
Hear the rushing roar of rivers cresting rock strewn banks, swollen with
snowmelt, pale green torrents of liquid ice. Walk paths overcast with whole
trees crossing over, wend through the underbrush, see the ants scurrying, their
body segments much larger here than in the city; here they look to be made of
bits of juicy wild mountain blackberry.
Smell the earth. Breathe in the scent of freshness; clean,
airy, light, woody, peppered with the spice of drying needles that crunch
underfoot. Feel the river roaring nearby; shaking the boulders that stand on
the sloping banks.
Be reminded of how we're quite small at the wrestling rapid riverside;
under precipitous tree bough stabbing high at the winds in the air, where the
eagles soar. And be reminded of how we’re also quite large as we stand high,
stooping over the black ant, our head cocked to one side in curiosity as he
goes about his business. Take time to stop along the way and see.
Drive your car on two lane roads. And slow it down, roll
with all the windows open so you can smell the fragrances, feel the cool
breezes, see the sheer sides of the canyon walls on which you ride. Don’t rush.
The Sunday drive is an American tradition that’s older than cars. Imagine what
it might have been like to ride in a horse drawn buggy. Take it slow. And when
you see something amazing, pull off and stop. Get closer. Pause. Soak. Dip a
toe in. You packed a picnic lunch, right? Good. And you brought the kids, too.
Show them why their jaw should drop in awe, even now, even in this age of
terminal boredom, when they behold the work of the Creator. Get up close and
personal. See what’s to see.